A program is a process, not a thing. This also applies to life, the universe, and everything.


Screenshot in Cocoa (Python)

I noticed that jwz is trying to take a screenshot in Cocoa and having trouble. I'm happy to see that he's porting his awesome collection of screensavers to OS X, that's great news. As for taking screen shots, I'm amazed it is as hard as it seems to be--heck even the new Nokia Series 60 give you the ability to take screeenshots from Python now. In any case, here is a method that works for me under PyObjC. It assumes it is part of a Cocoa object and that you've done a from AppKit import * already. Since I can't comment on jwz's blog (whether it's because I don't use LiveJournal or because I do use Safari, I don't know), I'll post it here instead.

def screenShot(self):
rect = NSScreen.mainScreen().frame()
image = NSImage.alloc().initWithSize_((rect.size.width, rect.size.height
window = NSWindow.alloc().initWithContentRect_styleMask_backing_defer_(
view = NSView.alloc().initWithFrame_(rect)
window.setLevel_(NSScreenSaverWindowLevel + 100)
screenRep= NSBitmapImageRep.alloc().initWithFocusedViewRect_(rect)
return image

I cribbed this several months ago from some example Cocoa code, but forgot to make a note of where I got it. If anyone recognizes this pattern, please let me know so I can attribute it.


Silent Blog

Yes, I've been quiet for awhile. No, I'm not going to apologize, and I wish more bloggers would stop apologizing when they take time off. One of the great things about Atom/RSS feeds is that I can keep up with blogs that are posted to infrequently, which includes some of my favorites. Don't feel like you need to post all the time--we've all got plenty of other things to read!

My quiet time is going to continue for a bit longer, but while I won't apologize, I will at least explain. Here's what I'm doing instead with the couple of hours I have between putting the kids to bed and going to bed myself.

More news as it happens.

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